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When i chose to let go, there was no great moment of victory

When I chose to let go, there was no great moment of victory. There wasn’t a shocking festivity that changed my life, where music is played and the universe plan to bring everything together for good. There was no clash, no confusion, and no fight, no internal argument, no weighing of pros and cons and there was no decision. There were only two words when I chose to let go: No more. No more will I quantify my worth against your opinion. No more will I be swarmed into the shapes you sculpted for me. No more will I tell my heart to quiet down, ashamed of its rattle. No more will I desolate over the ways you misunderstood me. No more will I fight to explain the intention of my heart. No more will I beg for you to see me, to know me, to love me, the real me. No more will I live my life for you. When I chose to let go, there was no sacred encounter. The stars did not collapse from the sky and spill into the oceans. There was only a quiet resolution, the silent death

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