Here's What It Feels Like to Be Cheated On

People make promises they can't keep. It's funny how often their promises seem to ever last. There are a hundred ways to lose someone you love or to get your heart broken but nothing's worse than getting cheated on. It's the worst feeling in the world. And yet people do it anyway.

Being cheated on by someone you love is painful. It can be detrimental. It affects everyone. There are a lot of movies about cheating and infidelity because a lot of people can relate to this kind of feeling. If the person you're in love with cheats on you, it is not real love. Because when love is real, it doesn't lie, cheat, hurt you or make you feel unwanted.

The hardest part being cheated on is when it feels like as if the world is crumbling down the first time you knew it. It's a hard punch in your stomach. And Suddenly, the ground beneath your feet begins to fall away and you're grasping for air or falling onto your knees. Finding out is most accurately described as an unexpected slap to your soul. For those who find out because they stumbled across some evidence, or found it after frantic hours of terrified searching, the feeling is strong enough. It's unbearable.

And as you question yourself on how and why did they do it, a "what did I do wrong?"  will be going on and on your mind and  you cringe imagining all of the things that were happening when you weren't looking and at the same time wishing that you could just turn off your emotions. Sometimes cheaters will tend to revert you and make you feel as if you're the bad guy, that you are the reason why they cheated, But remember this, It's not you. It's him. He chose to cheat for the sake of his unmet wants. He chose to break your trust.

Cheaters are not just "having a fling" they are making a decision that will, for eternity, affect a person's life. They turn some lives upside down without realizing that they traumatize people for a lifetime.  Most of them are chronic cheaters because they believe it's okay to do so. They will never be the ones to own up to what they did. That's why we are not likely to believe them in the first place.

The truth about being cheated on is, you're the last person to find out. Because you're never actually meant to find out. There will be red flags everywhere but you won't even notice it because of your love and compassion for that person. And Yes, Maybe we had too much love, or maybe we cared too much but through all the maybes there's no cure for the pain they've caused us. Some people can forgive those who cheated on them, but people will never forget. There's nothing worse than being cheated on because it's a form of betrayal of trust and respect that can greatly damage a person's idea of love.


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